This morning I tried to do Step # 2. Unfortunately I didn't have the right software to view the video and once I was able to view the video I had buffer problems so I spent more time waiting than watching. I had seen Stephen Abrams at the Minitex workshop a year ago and he certainly has lots of enthusiasm for what libraries can do with technology. I liked the fact that he included virtual reference as one of the neat things libraries are doing with technology. I also liked his suggestion to reflect after doing - I guess that's what we are doing by blogging about our experiences.
In the blog we were to read I very much agree that there is a vital issue with library ILS. I don't think that our traditional ILS vendors are going to help us get to the kind of systems we need unless there is a lot of change which I don't see happening.
So far I have only been able to read the first page of the Library Technology Report. Not sure why but I can't scroll down to the second page nor does clicking on the next page arrow work.